Xiaomi Will Remove Ads From Its Smartphones With MIUI 14

XIAOMI, one of the biggest mobile phone manufacturers in the world, has announced (MIUI 14) that it will remove all ads from its user interface with the release of MIUI 14. This signifies a significant shift in the company’s business strategy, as Xiaomi has earned most of its revenue through showing ads in its software and firmware updates to date.


Software bloat is a big problem in the tech industry.

It’s often the case that the more features a company adds to its product, the more bloated it becomes.

This translates into slower performance, which in turn leads to increased consumer dissatisfaction and an increased likelihood of device abandonment.

Xiaomi is one company that has had success with ads as an alternative to software bloat.

Xiaomi shows ads in its user interface, much like Samsung and other smartphone manufacturers.

It enables it to raise its earnings and thus lower the price of its products.

The only drawback is that some people don’t like seeing ads everywhere on their phones, but this will be a thing of the past with MIUI 14- coming soon!

How do ads work on Xiaomi smartphones?

Ads come in various forms, including pre-installed apps and games, onscreen advertising and banner ads.

Xiaomi enables it to raise its earnings and thus lower the price of its products by showing ads in its user interface, much like Samsung and other smartphone manufacturers.

It’s not possible to remove these ads from the device because they are part of the software bloat. Therefore, as of April 2018, new updates will remove all ads from its smartphones.

However, there will be some exceptions – for example, some players cannot be removed because they are a required part of their gaming experience.

There also won’t be any ads when charging the phone or using offline maps. In addition to removing ads, MIUI 14 also improves battery life through artificial intelligence (AI) based optimizations.

By recognizing what users do most often with their devices and how they use them, the software learns how to better predict which apps can cause problems with battery life.

For instance, after installing MIUI 14, if you mainly use Facebook Messenger throughout the day without making any calls or watching video clips online, then your phone’s battery might last an hour longer than before.

If on the other hand, you primarily use WhatsApp to chat but seldom browse social media sites such as Instagram, the system would learn that WhatsApp is a more power-efficient app.

The main idea behind removing ads is that: 1) it provides better battery performance and 2) we want our phones to look beautiful again.

These types of ads may take up space, lead to lagging and sometimes even slow down your phone’s performance.

In fact, recent studies show that Apple stores tend to sell 16% more units of iPhone 8 versus iPhone X—and 5% more units of iPhone 7 versus iPhone 8—because people don’t mind paying extra money just so they have extra storage space available on their phones.

On top of that, certain types of advertisements tend to eat away at data plans as well; every time you open up a web page or load an email attachment containing ad content, it eats into your monthly data cap… sometimes even doubling it!

What are the benefits of removing ads?

Software bloat refers to the phenomenon of a software package becoming bigger and slower as it takes on more features.

The term is also used to describe the phenomenon where a new update for an app adds more and more functions, making it heavier and slower.

These updates are usually monetized by adding advertisements to the interface. Removing ads from Xiaomi’s smartphones will be beneficial because it will allow Xiaomi to eliminate software bloat, thus freeing up space for more useful features in their next update.

They will also save time spent responding to complaints about performance issues caused by ad-related lags.

Furthermore, removing ads could lead to fewer people installing third-party packages like ad blockers that remove or disable certain types of ads altogether – which then reduces Xiaomi’s potential revenue from advertising sources like Google AdSense and Facebook.

The removal of ads with MIUI 14 may not seem significant at first glance, but it actually has far-reaching consequences.

Users can now expect smoother scrolling, faster loading times, and less chance of suffering performance drops due to software bloat.

In addition, removing ads means that there will be no intrusive popups while browsing apps or playing games on your phone; this may convince some users to keep their phones instead of switching to a different device that offers ad-free operation.

Finally, removing ads removes any incentive for developers to create ads that might cause undesired side effects such as slowing down the user interface.

It seems that Xiaomi was clever enough to take into account all these factors when they decided to remove ads with MIUI 14.

How will this affect Xiaomi’s earnings?

Software bloat is a common problem that plagues many smart devices, including the Xiaomi’s.

This is because it requires manufacturers to provide updates on a regular basis in order to meet customer expectations.

However, when users are required to download these updates, they can take up more space than the initial software and cause devices to slow down.

It also causes what is known as memory bloat, which is where the device takes up more of its internal storage than originally intended.

As such, removing ads from user interfaces with the upcoming Miui 14 release will allow Xiaomi to avoid this issue altogether.

It will reduce their earnings slightly but increase the general satisfaction of their customers and subsequently retain them for longer.

It is important to note that while this change may please some customers, others may be disappointed by it.

For example, people who enjoy seeing ads as an alternative source of entertainment might now have less options available to them if they decide not to buy content from other sources like social media platforms or apps.

Another concern could arise from different markets around the world: in countries where advertising revenue is significant, removing ads could lead to fewer jobs being created.

Finally, while adding software that enhances the user experience sounds like a good idea at first glance, removing all advertisements would mean eliminating any way for companies to show promotions and discounts to those who need them most (for instance during Black Friday).


This is a great move for Xiaomi because it removes ads and software bloat from its phones, which will make the device run better.

Additionally, the company can now charge more for their devices because they don’t have to spend money on ads.

This is a win-win situation for both consumers and the company. Consumers no longer have to put up with intrusive ads and slow operating systems, while Xiaomi can sell products at higher prices without having to invest in additional software development or content creation.

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