China Rejects Taiwan Status Quo: What Happens Next?

Chinese President Xi Jinping isn’t mincing words when it comes to Taiwan. In his speech at the recent Communist Party Congress, he declared that the Chinese people share a common belief that it is never allowed and it is absolutely impossible to separate any inch of our great country’s territory from China, according to the state-run Xinhua News Agency. His statement followed an announcement from top Taiwanese officials in Taipei that they would not engage with China over Xi’s claims that Taiwan was rightfully part of China, nor would they meet with representatives from the Communist Party.

Taiwan China Xi Jinping Chinese Communist Party

Taiwan and China have been on a collision course for some time now, but with Beijing’s recent rejection of the longstanding status quo, the conflict between the US and China over Taiwan is getting more intense.

On Wednesday (Thursday in Manila), United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that China had rejected the current status quo on Taiwan.

During his remarks, he endorsed the assessment that China’s actions endanger peace and stability made by President Barack Obama.

The US has long stood by its one-China policy which supports Beijing’s claim to sovereignty over Taiwan as well as Washington’s unofficial diplomatic recognition of it as part of China, but China insists that Washington not interfere in what it views as an internal matter.

Blinken also reiterated warnings from Obama about cyber attacks on American companies originating from China.

The lastest incident involved America’s top four movie studios being hacked into at least a dozen times each. The entertainment industry has been hacked before, but this hacking was different because it focused specifically on intellectual property rights.

It raises questions about how China may be targeting U.S. economic interests through cyber espionage. At a minimum, China appears to be seeking commercial gain by stealing trade secrets and designs from US companies with military applications such as Lockheed Martin Corp.

Northrop Grumman Corp., BAE Systems PLC and L3 Communications Holdings Inc. The Chinese are increasingly using these sorts of tactics, said James Lewis, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, who oversaw computer security issues at the U.S. National Security Agency until 1999.

They’re going after trade secrets, he added. They’re going after technologies; they’re going after strategies; they’re going after anything that might give them some competitive advantage. And China has lots of ways to get there.

It ranges from people coming over here to steal information and bring it back, all the way up to aggressive electronic warfare, Lewis said.

China is also accused of attacking Taiwanese government websites recently including sites associated with cabinet level agencies and presidential office affairs in order for users visiting those sites to download malicious software onto their devices, according to reports.

As if things weren’t tense enough, a report published Wednesday claimed China’s Communist Party plans within five years either invade or make Taipei dependent on Beijing economically if current trends continue.

Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the allegation saying Taiwan will never accept China’s suppression, threats and interference. China claims Taiwan as a renegade province and sees its growing strength as a threat.

In response, China is ramping up efforts to isolate Taiwan diplomatically, politically and militarily. This type of pressure could lead to greater opposition among Taiwanese to the government in Taipei.

According to the article, many in Taiwan fear China’s goal is to annex the island by force. The US has vowed to protect Taiwan and its democracy should Beijing decide to follow through with that.

The status quo on Taiwan is a conflict between China and the US, but it looks like China is willing to put everything on the line in order for Taiwan to become theirs. Blinken said that China has decided to reject the status quo.

That’s a problem for everyone who wants peace in the world and stability. China is willing to do whatever it takes to take over Taiwan, but Taiwan has always been on guard for any move China makes.

There’s no telling what’ll happen next, but tensions are high and we’ll just have to wait and see. The US and China are in conflict over Taiwan. The US has a history of taking care of Taiwan, but the time is ticking on the clock. There’s a power struggle brewing that will be difficult to solve, but it doesn’t seem as if anyone can step up to the plate and stop it.

Conflict between the US and China over Taiwan

Blinken told a Bloomberg News event that the four-decade status quo in which Washington has acknowledged Beijing’s claim that Taiwan is its territory, would end.

As a result of Trump’s phone call with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen last week (Sunday in Manila), China has rejected Taiwan’s longstanding status quo, Blinken said. China has not responded to US overtures since then, he added.

China made it very clear they weren’t interested in maintaining the status quo, Blinken said. It raises tensions because China will see this as America interfering in what China sees as an internal affair.

The two sides need to find some way of dealing with each other’s sensitivities without taking provocative steps. A conflict between the United States and China over Taiwan led to an increase in tension between both countries.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a Bloomberg News event that the four-decade status quo in which Washington has acknowledged Beijing’s claim that Taiwan is its territory, would end.

The Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping became increasingly assertive about Chinese territorial claims by promoting stability maintenance policies at home and claiming sovereignty over disputed territories abroad.

Blinken said that his country does not recognize or support the one China policy or One country, two systems principle for Taiwanese independence or any unilateral actions designed to change the status quo.

He also noted that there are no plans for talks to be held. As a result of all these conflicts and disagreements, international media has created great conflict between the US and China over Taiwan.

Conflicts and disagreement between the US and China over Taiwan can lead to tense relations if not carefully managed by both governments.

So far, there have been many conflicts between the two nations and although tensions may remain high until a resolution is found, conflicts between the US and China over Taiwan may improve soon.

The rising threat of Chinese militarization has caused much concern among many Western leaders including US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter who stated: The U.S., along with most countries in the world, believes it’s wrong to use military coercion or force to try to undermine our determination.

However, such statements do little to deter Xi Jinping who only believes resolute moves should be taken against those who resist his territorial ambitions. So far, dialogue remains absent but this doesn’t seem too worry either nation as both feel comfortable enough with their position not to talk about their disagreements.

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